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1. Medieval Latin; school of singers.

2. A new ensemble dedicated to the performance, at the highest possible standard, of early unaccompanied sacred and secular vocal music.


Founded during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, we believe in the power and indispensable nature of the choral art. The opportunity to sing during the pandemic and to emerge with passion intact to perform monuments of Western art music is both liberating and rewarding. We wish to share the joy of music making with all.

We are dedicated to the performance of unaccompanied and accompanied secular and sacred vocal music from 1450 to 1750.

scho·​la can·​to·​rum | (noun) skō-lə-kan-ˈtȯr-əm

Guerrero: Ibant Apostoli Gaudetes
00:00 / 02:34
Premier Kyrie - Messe de Minuit - Charpentier
00:00 / 01:32
Victoria: O Magnum Mysterium
00:00 / 03:40

Upcoming Performance

A Venetian Holiday
Music of Gabrieli, Monteverdi, Schütz and more

October 28, 2023 - 8:00pm

St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral

Oklahoma City

In collaboration with Oklahoma Baroque Orchestra

Past Concerts

Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Messe de Minuit Pour Noël

December 15, 2022

All Souls' Episcopal Church

Nichols Hills

Music of Hapsburg Spain
Lobo, Morales, Guerrero, Victoria

May 27, 2022

Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Oklahoma City

The Triumphs of Oriana (1601)
Concert I
The Five-Voice Madrigals

May 8, 2021

Gothic Hall

The University of Oklahoma

The Triumphs of Oriana (1601)
Concert II
The Six-Voice Madrigals

October 7, 2021

All Souls' Episcopal Church

Nichols Hills

A Bouquet of English Madrigals
Oklahoma Choral Directors Association

July 12, 2021

Radke Fine Arts Theater

Univ. of Central Oklahoma


Enjoy great music?

Please consider donating to allow our ensemble to grow.

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve the quality of our ensemble. Your generous donation will help facilitate our next performance.


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